More From Marvin Marinas
Try These Side Deltoid Exercises for Bigger Shoulders
Side deltoid exercises are the key to building bigger and broader shoulders. Here are the best side delt exercises for growth.
The Best Lateral Head Tricep Exercises
The lateral head tricep requires specific exercises to grow effectively. These are the exercises you need for bigger triceps.
Dirty Bulk vs Clean Bulk – Which is Better to Gain Muscle?
Both clean bulk and dirty bulk can pack on muscle mass but depending on your goals, one method will benefit you more than the other.
Best Shoulder Workout With Dumbbells
Include these exercises in your shoulder workout using dumbbells to build bigger and proportionate shoulders.
The Best Cod Liver Oil for Health
The best cod liver oil supplement should contain significant quantities of EPA, DHA, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D.
Best Leg Press Foot Placement For Big Legs
Depending on your leg press foot placement, you can target a specific muscle group, such as hamstrings, quads, or glutes.
Compound Shoulder Exercises For Big Shoulders
Compound shoulder exercises like the military press, dumbbell shoulder press, and push press are excellent for building strength and mass.
How to Gain Muscle Fast – The Definitive Guide
Gain muscle fast with tips on how to properly eat, how to train the right way, and how to rest for recovery.