Best Shoulder Workout With Dumbbells

Man holding onto dumbbells on a rack.

Using dumbbells in your shoulder workout routine is excellent for building well-developed and even shoulders. They are versatile and very effective for performing a wide variety of shoulder exercises. Incorporating dumbbell exercises into your shoulder workout can increase your shoulder strength, and improve mobility and flexibility. Strong shoulders not only enhance your physical appearance but also improve your posture, balance, and stability.

Some of the best shoulder exercises require the use of a dumbbell. Plus, there is an exercise for targeting every deltoid head in the shoulder.

Why Perform Shoulder Exercises with Dumbbells vs. Barbells?

Incorporating dumbbells into your shoulder workout can help prevent shoulder imbalances since each shoulder is working individually. With barbells, both arms have to work in unison and this tends to create muscle imbalances due to one arm working harder than the other.

Dumbbells allow more freedom with your movement making them excellent equipment for unilateral training. In addition, you have more range of motion when using dumbbells, which is useful for exercises like lateral raises and shoulder presses.

On the other hand, barbells are better for exercises that require a heavier load, such as deadlifts and squats. Overall, you can lift more weight with barbells making them essential for strength and power training. If your goal is for shoulder strength, utilizing a barbell and performing a seated shoulder press or standing military press is optimal.

The Best Shoulder Exercises With Dumbbells

Each shoulder’s deltoid head has at least 1 highly effective exercise using dumbbells. The only exercises mentioned here are the ones you should consider including in your shoulder workout when using dumbbells.

Seated & Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The dumbbell shoulder press would be considered your compound exercise for the shoulders when you want to use dumbbells. Whether you want to perform the move standing or seated is totally up to you.

This exercise will target the front delts primarily and some recruitment of the lateral head. In addition, this exercise will also recruit your triceps considering it is a “pressing” exercise.

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press vs Standing

The seated position, while performing the dumbbell shoulder press, will allow for better control. In addition, seated lets you lift more weight since you no don’t have to worry about engaging your core for stability.

When in the standing position, your core is involved to prevent lower back injuries. You also need stability and balance from your legs, making heavier weight much harder to work with. Some people have the tendency to use momentum with their legs and think that they are actually capable of pressing heavier weights when standing. Most people who have done both standing military press and seated barbell shoulder press can confirm that they are able to lift more weight when doing the seated version.

Tips for The Dumbbell Shoulder Press

  • When performing dumbbell shoulder presses in a seated position, set the bench pad just 1 notch below 90 degrees for a very slight angle. This will help prevent shoulder injuries and makes it easier to kick the dumbbells up from your knees to starting position.
  • Do not try and target the rear delt by flaring your elbows too far back. The rear delts aren’t meant to get full stimulation from this exercise. Instead, bring your elbows forward a bit or lessen your elbow flare to place more emphasis on the front delts.
  • When standing, do not use your legs to jerk and press the weight above you. Keep your feet planted and core tight to maintain a good balance. Control the dumbbells throughout the entire movement to prevent your lower body from losing balance.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

The dumbbell lateral raise is another great exercise for the shoulders. There is no other exercise using dumbbells that will stimulate the lateral head as well as this one.

With the dumbbells at your sides and in each hand, raise your arms up to shoulder level while keeping a slight bend with your elbows.

You can perform this exercise using one arm at a time with one dumbbell in one hand and your other hand holding onto a bench or post for support. This allows you to focus on one side and really feel the lateral head working.

Dumbbell Reverse Flye

The dumbbell reverse fly is an effective exercise for targeting the rear delts, which are often neglected. It is almost similar to a lateral raise but requires you to bend over to target the rear/posterior delts.

Steps to Perform the Dumbbell Reverse Flye

  1. Bend over at the waist while maintaining a neutral spine.
  2. While holding on to the dumbbells, allow your arms to hang.
  3. Lift the dumbbells up and out to the sides with a slight bend on your elbows.
  4. Slightly pause at the top and slowly lower the dumbbells back to starting position.

Try This Dumbbell Shoulder Workout for Bigger Shoulders

Perform this routine 2x per week:

  1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press – 4 sets, using a weight you can perform 6-8 reps with.
  2. Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 3 sets, using a weight you can perform 8-12 with.
  3. Dumbbell Reverse Flye – 4 sets, using a weight you can perform 8-12 with.
  4. Single Arm Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 3 sets per arm. Go heavier and use a weight you can perform 8-12 reps with.